๐Ÿฎ AI Analysis of Alistar's Matchups ๐Ÿฎ

This is just a fun experiment I threw together using AI (GPT-4) to analyze different matchups for Alistar. ๐Ÿฎ
Itโ€™s not meant to be super serious, but more of a cool way to see how AI breaks down things like summoner spell effectiveness and matchup stats.

What it does:

This section was generated by AI as well, since I'm very lazy.

๐Ÿ‚ Team Matchup Analyzer

๐Ÿ“Š Statistics

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Win favorability (vs)

In other words, what are your odds of winning a matchup.
As you can see, the results aren't looking very realistic, but maybe Alistar is just the goat.

Summoner spell effectiveness (vs)

According to AI estimations, the most effective summoner spells on average are Flash and Exhaust,
while the least effective (please don't do it) - Heal and Ignite.

Champions bar chart